Welcome to Animal Jam Dragonscale! Here you'll find daily updates to practically everything in Jamaa. Grab a bag of popcorn, and sit back and read this blog. ^.^ :)
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Merry Christmas!
I'm sure most of u already had Christmas and I had mine celebrated two days ago, but still: MEWWY CWISTMAS!!! Baby talk :P I hope all of u had some wonderful presents and excellent food... Popcorn canes... Much better thing than candy canes. :P I'm eating sushi right now... Dunno why I said that.... I no its a short post but WHATEVER and u know the game I keep saying called Transformice? It's a simple yet chaotic game where ur a mouse nd u have get the cheese and get back into the hole. Sometimes there's a shaman chosen to build items to get to the cheese. Lots of times there can be troll shamans, like me. :P Oh, but there's much much much more than that!i can't explain it all to u guys so yeah... Go here (if u have a Flash Player) to begin playing!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Hewoooo!!! Today for me is the night of the 20th. Do any of u know what's probably yet probably not going to happen tomorrow?
ZE END OF DA WORLD!!!!!! At least 200000000 ppl told me, and also my mouth tastes like.. I don't know what it tastes like, but it tastes bad. Also, tomorrow is going to be a really really crazy day for me. Veeeerrrryyy important. Tomorrow is the last day of school before winter break, so we're having a Christmas party at scchhoooolll. My school holds the best class parties. :D no offense to u guys, but it's good. :3 Also, tomorrow is Friday, the only day I get to go on the computer. ALSO it is when I take badminton class. AND.... AND... I cant think of anything else. Oh yeah, I meet the cutest 4 yr old girl Seriah at badminton. :3 Hmm, anything else... Well tell me what u think bout the world ending, why it's ending, and what plans u have for tomorrow in the comments. IM SO STARTLED!!!!!!
ZE END OF DA WORLD!!!!!! At least 200000000 ppl told me, and also my mouth tastes like.. I don't know what it tastes like, but it tastes bad. Also, tomorrow is going to be a really really crazy day for me. Veeeerrrryyy important. Tomorrow is the last day of school before winter break, so we're having a Christmas party at scchhoooolll. My school holds the best class parties. :D no offense to u guys, but it's good. :3 Also, tomorrow is Friday, the only day I get to go on the computer. ALSO it is when I take badminton class. AND.... AND... I cant think of anything else. Oh yeah, I meet the cutest 4 yr old girl Seriah at badminton. :3 Hmm, anything else... Well tell me what u think bout the world ending, why it's ending, and what plans u have for tomorrow in the comments. IM SO STARTLED!!!!!!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Hi again well when I went on AJD today, I noticed the layout was different. There was the title, replacing all the tabs below the title was Home and an arrow that showed all the other tabs, and a list of the recent posts, summaries, and comments. It's weird! But I found a way to fix that, if any of you are viewing my blog with an iPad. Just go to the bottom and click the link "View web version". Simple as dat.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Just read this post...
Helloooo! U guys still remember my AJ username, chu714? Kk good, since I haven't mentioned that in a long time. And u guys also remember Jumping ScaryMonkey? Yes, that's good too. I recall that he said once his account got deleted because he wasn't on for a month. I tried logging in Animal Jam (P.S. have u guys seen the new Animal Jam home screen?) and it said something like "account does not exist". Yeah..... Dats why I haven't been able to go to Mangoshapedspace's party today. So, uh, just saying, if it's available I'm going to make a new account... Starting everything over again... With no items... (not even the one mrspider gave meh D: [hes my AJ adopted brother, get adopted at the Pillow Room... Is it still there?]) I can't stand it D: Ok, so if it's not taken I might make the account Cheesypopcor or chu714indahouse or whatever, same password and everything. Well, maybe a different password (and if u guys r wondering why I'm saying this, it's for the hackers that can somehow get into people's accounts =.=) Or worse, I might not make an account at all, since I rarely ever play AJ. That is a 1/11000000000000000000000°00000000000000000000000000 possibility, since I always try to attend events that my fellow bloggers and friends hold. So, I'll tell u the rest of the information in a future post! (username, NOT password, lol, )
P.S. have u noticed the snow I added to the blog?
P.S. have u noticed the snow I added to the blog?
Friday, December 7, 2012
100% Annoying Brother
Hi guys! It seems like I'm going to post every day. 0.o Okay... Remember how my dad made a rule so that we can't play until Friday? WELL he leaves to work at Sunday night and then comes back Friday night. Last night I was Skyping my dad and I just happened to walk in the hallway to show my dad my violin songs and I forgot that we cant play on thursday and showed my dad the game I was playing. My brother is 100% convinced that I did it on purpose because I am not a 5 year old and I have the knowledge to remember that we're not supposed to play. =.= he jumps to conclusions way to easily, and is a hypocrite too because he always tells my mom not to jump to conclusions and he is doing that himself! Tell me what u guys think, if more people choose my brother is right, I will smack myself in the face and ask myself why I exist. Bye.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Hi, again! My friend MangoShapedSpace is having a Jammaliday party at her den next week or so. To see the schedule and blog post, go here. Or just to see the schedule, here!
Who's invited? Everyone who reads this blog of course!
What's it celebrating? The Jamaalidays!
When is it? Saturday, December 15th at
10:00 am US Pacific Time
11:00 am US Central Time
1:00 pm US Eastern Time
7:00 pm Kinyonga and Silverdawn time
The rest: you have to figure out yourself! :P
Where is it? My (MangoShapedSpace) Den!
How should I dress? Jamaaliday items, or any average store item colored red or green!
Whate server should I join? Himalya! (If full, Appalachian)
If you want to visit MangoShapedSpace's blog, go to www.animaljamleaf.blogspot.com
P.S. This is my 100th post on AJD! WHOO!!!!
P.S. This is my 100th post on AJD! WHOO!!!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Hi, again. I'm so sorry for not posting, doing any activity, blah blah blah. I might do a little bit of posting, and of course I'll continue playing Animal Jam and Transformice. (I'm not sure about Club Penguin... It gets boring. :l No offense to Club Penguin fans.) Um... I've switched from daily items from Animal Jam to some news every week, month or so. It's cuz I am SOOO busy on homework, I just luv playing games, I'm eating at a restaurant, or I just forget. Blah blah blah, I'm sure u guys will say something about me quitting this blog, not true. Not true at all. And btw if you guys want to know my Animal Jam/Transformice schedule it's right here.
Friday: 4:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
And I usually play Transformice, and Animal Jam, eh, once in a [long] while. BYEEEEEEEE(also spread the word about this awesome blog)๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฐ <---- Can't see it? Well too bad. :P
Friday: 4:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
And I usually play Transformice, and Animal Jam, eh, once in a [long] while. BYEEEEEEEE(also spread the word about this awesome blog)๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฐ <---- Can't see it? Well too bad. :P
Monday, November 12, 2012
New video!
Monday, November 5, 2012
New Blogger, New Blog, New Everything
Hey, Jammers (who haven't appearing to be browsing around, sadly)! Since I cannot do much blogging on the iPad, I'm going to make a new blogger on my laptop. I am going to be starting a Transformice blog. Now, here are some questions and answers. If u have any other questions please comment below!
Will you be still continuing AJD?
Yes, I will.
What will the TFM website be?
I am planning it to be www.transformicewithcheesypopcor.blogspot.com.
First of all, I am not quitting. I am simply making another account and with a different blog. Care for some popcorn?
Will you be still continuing AJD?
Yes, I will.
What will the TFM website be?
I am planning it to be www.transformicewithcheesypopcor.blogspot.com.
First of all, I am not quitting. I am simply making another account and with a different blog. Care for some popcorn?
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Giant Phantom and Sorry!
Hey, Jammers... Long time no see. Well, the reason for the loooong "break" was that there were fewer and fewer comments and views and I felt I had no purpose to blog. (aka quit) But now the stuff is gradually increasing so I can blog now. ^.^ So, the new item is the Giant Phantom which is, I think, in Epic Wonders. Or Jam Mart Furniture. I forget. Plus, remember the Native American report I has to do? I'm almost finish so I can blog some more. :D Plus, we just need 300 views to get to 3,000! :D I'm not having a party or a contest until I get to 5,000, sadly. Meep. :3
P.S. I'm not sure, but I think I will quit AJ. I mean, I have only one day to go on the laptop and 2 games I want to play, TFM(Transformice) and AJ(Animal Jam). TFM is really fun and I want to catch up on the Halloween stuff, but AJ is epic on Halloween, too. I need a solution! (I don't think half the day I could do AJ, and half the day I could do TFM, cuz I need a lot of time to catch up on stuff.) COMMENT A GOOD SOLUTION I CAN FIT WITH BELOW AND I COULD.. UH... IDK!
P.S. I'm not sure, but I think I will quit AJ. I mean, I have only one day to go on the laptop and 2 games I want to play, TFM(Transformice) and AJ(Animal Jam). TFM is really fun and I want to catch up on the Halloween stuff, but AJ is epic on Halloween, too. I need a solution! (I don't think half the day I could do AJ, and half the day I could do TFM, cuz I need a lot of time to catch up on stuff.) COMMENT A GOOD SOLUTION I CAN FIT WITH BELOW AND I COULD.. UH... IDK!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Neck Bolts
Hello, everyone! The daily item today are the Neck Bolts. e.e You don't want that on your neck. :P Well, I guess most of u don't know that my mom works at McDonald's. Just recently the restaurant was torn down and rebuilt and tonight we had a dinner party. That's the reason I'm late. BYEEEE
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Eyeball Hats and Coral Tombstones
Hello, Jammers! I'm awfully depressed by 2 certain people in my class.... -.- Anyway the new items are above in the title. Eyeball Hat and Coral Tombstones.
The Eyeball Hat is blue....
That's it. Next Friday I am going straight to AJ. To catch up on stuff. And... I have no time to explain about the certain 2 people. Well, maybe. Wait, no. I told one about my blog. D:
The Eyeball Hat is blue....
That's it. Next Friday I am going straight to AJ. To catch up on stuff. And... I have no time to explain about the certain 2 people. Well, maybe. Wait, no. I told one about my blog. D:
Monday, October 22, 2012
Rare Headdress
Helllooooo everyone! I'm starting to see a drop in comments and views. Well,BLAH. As said in the title, the Rare Headdress(which is purple) is in sale for 650 gems! CHEESECRACKERSTACOSIDONTKNOWWHYIMYELLITNABOUTALLTHISYUMMYFOODTHATIDESPERATWLYWANTBUTWHATIREALLYWANTISPORKCHOPS!!!!!! Yeah. Just for comedy. Omg I really want to go on AJ more but I keep getting hooked on Transformice! D:
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Wallpaper, Cobweb Floor, and Horns
Hey, Jammers! I missed a couple items, I guess. It was the Bat Wallpaper. I am really hoping on getting on AJ for all the great new items on Halloween. I've been waiting for this all year. But I also go on Transformice, which also has some new stuff Im trying to catch up on. Could some of you guys send me some of the nonmember/member items, please? I would be so so so happy if you do! Oh, and also the stuff today are the Cobweb Floors and the Underwater Horns.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Pumpkin Head
What's up? The new item today is a pumpkin head, but I forgot the name. Remember Snowyclaw posted about the Arctic Wolf? AJHQ put it up on the site. Not the daily explorer, the very botttkm of animal jam. Also, one person asked how my brother was getting too out of control. I'll explain.
My brother plays League of Legends. He plays with his school friends and talks to them on Skype. Remember how I said my dad said to only play games on Friday? My brother plays them everyday, secretly. My dad had put an Internet security system on both f our laptops. I was pretty serious about it. I don't know how my brother does it, but he was able to play League of Legends without my dad knowing. Just yesterday, my brother was asking for 15 more minutes to finish his game or else he'll get banned. The banning part is true. I researched it. But you don't get banned forever. Just a couple weeks. My mom said that he already plays until 3:00 am, so he has no need to play more. My brother was so obsessed with gaming that he did something a person would do only if in extreme, furious, anger. So I went to bed. And when I walked into the living room, guess what I found?
A broken lightbulb.
My brother plays League of Legends. He plays with his school friends and talks to them on Skype. Remember how I said my dad said to only play games on Friday? My brother plays them everyday, secretly. My dad had put an Internet security system on both f our laptops. I was pretty serious about it. I don't know how my brother does it, but he was able to play League of Legends without my dad knowing. Just yesterday, my brother was asking for 15 more minutes to finish his game or else he'll get banned. The banning part is true. I researched it. But you don't get banned forever. Just a couple weeks. My mom said that he already plays until 3:00 am, so he has no need to play more. My brother was so obsessed with gaming that he did something a person would do only if in extreme, furious, anger. So I went to bed. And when I walked into the living room, guess what I found?
A broken lightbulb.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Forgot an item: Scary eyes
Animated scary eyes: get some to freak out your buddies. Sorry short post gotta go!! In the Haunted Forest Party
Phantom Mask
Hey, Jammers! There is a Phantom Mask in Epic Wonders. I'm kinda used to plagiarizing. However u spell it. It's just that (as u all know) I can't go on AJ except Friday. I apologize to everyone who I copied. So far I only plagiarized two blogs:
Animal Jam Spirit
Animal Jam Stream
I am so sorry to Snowyclaw and DoomyPanda. Especially to DoomyPanda because ur my friend. LET DA PPLZ KNOW (plus party is at 4:30 Western Pacific region)
Animal Jam Spirit
Animal Jam Stream
I am so sorry to Snowyclaw and DoomyPanda. Especially to DoomyPanda because ur my friend. LET DA PPLZ KNOW (plus party is at 4:30 Western Pacific region)
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Angry Pumpkin Mask and Spooky Balloons
Hello! I'm back for today. Not sure if I'll be available tomorrow. Anyway, the title says it ALLLLLLLLLLL. And remember the last Transformice "party"? Well, I decided I'll be having one every Friday or so. CHECK BACK TO THE POST THAT HAS SCHEDULE SAME TIMES EXCEPT DIFFERENT DATE :D
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Land of Tori
Hello, everyone! I'm taking a little 5 minute break from homework. Thx Mango for posting for me :) Plus, has anyone been looking at the Land of Tori? I have a who'll leer bunch of ideas and you'll bet I'll be posting them. Credit from my friend Serena at school. ;) I've updated the Land of Tori by several chapters, so be sure to check it out!
Halos and Phantom Lights
This is just an intro post so I won't be posting this early normally. I just woke up in the middle of the night. I do that sometimes.
Today's new items are both underwater items, the Halo, a returning Night of the Phantoms item from last year, and the Phantom Lights, equally spooky and perfect for making your underwater den haunted as well. That's all the time I have for now, happy jamming!!
Today's new items are both underwater items, the Halo, a returning Night of the Phantoms item from last year, and the Phantom Lights, equally spooky and perfect for making your underwater den haunted as well. That's all the time I have for now, happy jamming!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Hello. You know guys, that a to of famous people have haters. Snowyclaw does. XxFreeSpiritxX does. Lovelost does. A couple of people made up a phrase:
Haters gonna hate,
Bloggers gonna blog.
This rhyme shows that no matter how much haters discourage us bloggers, most will never stop blogging. (MangoShapedSpace, I know ur readin this. Think about bringing back Animal Jam Bliss. ^.^) So you haters out there, beware. WE HAVE SOME PERSERVERED PPL PREPARING TO PWN UR P****** (aka anuses) AND POPCORN POPPER( aka ME) WILL ALSO PWN UR P******! SAY THAT 10 TIMES FAST, HATERS!
Haters gonna hate,
Bloggers gonna blog.
This rhyme shows that no matter how much haters discourage us bloggers, most will never stop blogging. (MangoShapedSpace, I know ur readin this. Think about bringing back Animal Jam Bliss. ^.^) So you haters out there, beware. WE HAVE SOME PERSERVERED PPL PREPARING TO PWN UR P****** (aka anuses) AND POPCORN POPPER( aka ME) WILL ALSO PWN UR P******! SAY THAT 10 TIMES FAST, HATERS!
Ghosts and Not Member of AJHQ
The new item at Jam Mart Furniture is the Ghosts! Nice decoration. Plus, Snowyclaw realized that LiitleMighty just bought a membership card and AJHQ just didn't say about the Arctic Wolf yet. Here's the announcement:
PLEASE READ THIS. It's not important, but I don't want you to panic. I'm having a project at school due in 2 weeks. I might not be able to blog that much, so on days where I don't post, DON'T PANIC
The new item at Jam Mart Furniture is the Ghosts! Nice decoration. Plus, Snowyclaw realized that LiitleMighty just bought a membership card and AJHQ just didn't say about the Arctic Wolf yet. Here's the announcement:
PLEASE READ THIS. It's not important, but I don't want you to panic. I'm having a project at school due in 2 weeks. I might not be able to blog that much, so on days where I don't post, DON'T PANIC
Monday, October 15, 2012
RIM and Possible New Animal!
Hey, Jammers! Um, Im still looking for possible tribe names. Anyways the RIM is the Purple Feather Headband! Someone buy me one IT'S NONMEMBER! :D And plus, Snowyclaw saw a possible member of AJHQ! The username is LiitleMighty. It's name is Arctic Wolf, which means its a definite Arctic Wolf. It even looks like one!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Everything is said in the title. Anyway, my friend Imnoob[I forgot the rest] plays transformice. She was part of an awesome tribe and then someone kicked her out and she got recruited in it and now she can't do anything in the tribe. Because she's at the lowest rank, stooge, and no one can change anything because one person made it so no one can change the ranks so ppl don't mess with ranks. I had the idea of making a new tribe. I've been thinking all night for a name. So far I thought of XxFreedomOfTheMicexX or just Freedom of the Mice. What do you guys think should be the tribe name?
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Awesome Update but WHY U NO SHAMANS AJHQ
Sosososososos sorry if I made you panic! I just can't put every single thing in! Plus, Transformice party in 15 minutes!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Clam Shell Chair and... Last Goodbye?
Hello, Jammers! Today's new item has nothing to do with the Day of the Phantoms. The Clam Shell Chair! Boy, they're sure bringing a lot of clearance items back. And you know about the title about the Last Goodbye? Well, my brother really got out of control because he can't play League of Legends. I don't want to list the things he did. My mom said that when my dad comes back from work on Friday night, he might turn off the Internet until my brother controls himself. I predict that will be a long time. The Friday party is still going on. Maybe. Anyway, bye for now! (ok, not the last goodbye, Friday will be the last goodbye.) BYE!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Rare Big Skull
Hello, everyone! I've had enough of this break. Anyway, the rare item is the Rare Big Skull. AJHQ posted it on the Daily Explorer. You guys do know I play transformice. Well, if you can, make an account and I'll set up a mini-party on Transformice.
Website: www.transformice.com
Time: Friday, October 12, 2012 Western Pacific time 4:00 p.m.
Directions: Make an account(if needed), log on, type /friend Cheesypopcor in the chat, if they say "You are now friends with Cheesypopcor" then go to the Menu below your profile and then click Friends and scroll down to Cheesypopcor. Click the arrow only if I am online. If my username doesn't show up, friend me again until I am online. I will be a brown mouse with a blue cap and a white flower. Most of all, HAVE FUN!
P.S. Tell me ur username. :D I know katara's already. :3
Website: www.transformice.com
Time: Friday, October 12, 2012 Western Pacific time 4:00 p.m.
Directions: Make an account(if needed), log on, type /friend Cheesypopcor in the chat, if they say "You are now friends with Cheesypopcor" then go to the Menu below your profile and then click Friends and scroll down to Cheesypopcor. Click the arrow only if I am online. If my username doesn't show up, friend me again until I am online. I will be a brown mouse with a blue cap and a white flower. Most of all, HAVE FUN!
P.S. Tell me ur username. :D I know katara's already. :3
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Hey, Jammers! There are three new items today. Two, the Vampire Mask and Scared Jack o Lantern, are very similar. The third is a Tulips! Sounds weird. Lol, anyway, I am very sorry that I haven't been able to update The Land of Tori much, it's just that I'm very busy! (Lame excuse, but still very similar)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Halloween Items!
Sorry I forgot to mention this before. New spooooooky stuff like the Evil Jack o Lantern and other stuff has come back to stores! My favorite is the Bat Mask, I think it looks EPIC! What are your favorite Day of the Phantom items?
Monday, October 1, 2012
PET TARANTULAS utterly cute :3
Hey, Jammers! I don't think there's a new item, but there's a couple of new pages to the Jamaa Journal, but of course there's the SOOOO cute tarantula! Kinda gross, but still cute. I have to admit, I don't like spiders. I am afraid of all bugs. Name one. I'm afraid of it.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Bamboo Fence
What's up, guys? The new item in Jam Mart Furniture (shouldn't it be Treetop Gardens?) is the nonmember Bamboo Fence! Well, it's strange that all these old and new plants coming at the beginning of autumn. And plus, AJHQ posted about the Bunnies Only Party on the Daily Explorer. Plus, I'm taking a break of blogging for a week. Oh, and I decided to...um.. UGH I forgot. ^.^
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Bamboo Plant and... QUESTS
Hello, Jammers! The former clearance rare is now the Bamboo Plant, sold in Treetop Gardens. Also, Snowyclaw sent an email to AJHQ about the weird notepad thingy, and they replied that quests will soon be added to Jamaa! I'm excited for this, as weve been waiting for shamans about...... A month and a half. Perhaps even more. I'm. Just guessing.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Acorn Tea Set
Hello, Jammers! Today I'm kind of in a bad mood right norm so don't mind me. Right now my brother, mom, and I r at Verizon Wireless, and I'm posting on one of the iPads. Anyway, the new item is somewhat like an Acorn .tea set, I didn't really pay attention to the name. Anyway, bye'.Jammers!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
New den, Jamagram contest, and CHEESE(jk)
Hey, Jmmers! I'm in a much better mood than yesterday. ^.^ Anyway, even though Day of the Phantoms is still close, the update I'd going to(probably) be in 2 weeks! Still, AJHQ I'd getting ready for the spooky nights by putting eye shadow on AJ!(darker scene) And plus, they're holding a contest to design a Jamagram for Halloween! The new den(as most people guessed) is the Mushroom Hut! It's cute. :) Tomorrow I'll be able to get on AJ to see the zmushroom hut. YUM. Nah, mushrooms r yucky for me. :3 New items are the Leaf Armor and the Picnic Table. Shouldn't the table be in summer? Ah, whatever. Today I promise to update the Land of Tori. Plus, I only see katara commenting. (thx) Can everyone comment so I can see exactly how many people like cheese?
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Passion Flower
Hello, Jmmers! Good news, and bad news. More bad than good. :( Anyway, the new item is the Passion Flower that looks like a gate. Good news is the update is tomorrow. Bad news is the AJ birthday party and Carnival will be gone tomorrow. And the other bad news, my mom's best friend/customer of McDonald's passed away. Just wanted to say this to help my mom. Anyway, I'm not really updating the Land of Tori "daily-ish" because I'm way too busy with homework. Anyway, bye Jammers!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Barrel Sponge
Bye have to do homework bye! BARREL SPOOONNNNGGGEEEE
Monday, September 24, 2012
Rare Arctic Hood and The Land of Tori
Hello, Jammers! Monday's rare item is the Rare Arctic Hood! I'm soooo excited for autumn! Oh, and just in case none of you notice, I made a story blog called the Land of Tori! I'm just beginning to write the second part, so stay tuned! (the link is on the left)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Baby (cute) Palm Tree, News, and... BALNBCXJSMC
Hello, Jammers! The Treetop Gardens has a new item, the Baby Palm Tree! My neighbor has one of those in his front yard. I can see it out the window. ^.^ Anyway, AJHQ posted about the Penguin Party on the Daily Explorer. As Goldfishypuppy noticed, right next to the gems on the top hand edge, to the right of it is a little notepad. Weird, huh? Oh, and the BALNBCXJSM part was about my new story blog(I decided to quit my plushie blog as it didn't get much views and the pictures went CRAZY!). The new story blog is called The Land of Tori! I'm working on the blog, though I already posted the introduction. I don't need any new ideas at the moment.Here's the link! Chao!(Is that how you spell it?)
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Flower Glasses
Hey, Jammers! Chu714 here(as usual). An old(not so much) item came back in the stores, the Flower Glasses! Classy. ^.^ Anyone play Transformice? It is so addicting. Too bad I can only play it on Fridays. ^.^
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\. /. |. | \. /. /. |. |
----------- |. |. ________. /. ___|___. |
A failed attempt to type "chu714" with stuff. -.-
_______. ________
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\. /. |. | \. /. /. |. |
----------- |. |. ________. /. ___|___. |
A failed attempt to type "chu714" with stuff. -.-
Friday, September 21, 2012
Hello! Da best day eva is tooday, so let me tell ya about ze day: ZIOS MASK, I saw America's last space shuttle's last flight, the Endeavor, my old friends who had gone to another school came back to visit! YAY and... I'd a friday!!! YAAAAY
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Hello, Jammers! WHOO today's Thursday, so that means less homework! YEAH! anyway, the Lobster claw plant is sold in Treetop Gardens. I haven't seen that one in the stores yet! My brother likes lobster. The News (dunno how to describe it, it's the bi-weekly newspaper) has the front page updated! NEW TSHIRTS YAAAAA
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Bubble Emitter
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Cactus and News Crew Winner
Hello, everyone! I see only one person comment, but I'm fine with that. :) Anyway, the Cactus is back, and I guess everyone who traded something rare for it now regrets it. ^.^ Hopefully everyone gets settled with these rares returning. AJHQ fixed the Monday Item post on the Daily Explorer, and congratulations to "Daily Explorer News Crew Winner's Name here" for winning the Golden Lion Tamarin thingy! Seriously, a Tamarin looks nothing like a lion. Except it's name.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Rare Arctic Coat, Daily Explorer, and DOUBLE GEMS
Hello, Jammers! The rare item is in the Shiveer Shop, the Rare Arctic Coat! Unfortunately and fortunately, AJHQ put up "Rare Arctic Hood" instead of this. Remember the freedom stuff? AJHQ is giving us a sneak peak next week! :D Oh, and Fruit Slinger is on double gems. It's one of my favorite games, next to Falling Phantoms and Hedge Hog. Hedge Hog is still fun, even though I can't beat the first level. XD The crystals are nice... OHH U NICE WITTLE WITTLE CUTE PHANTOM, COME HERE... AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!- *electricity cut out* *phantom shocks electricity back again* OH U CUTE WITTLE PHANTOM... anyway, now for the Monday Mystery! Actually, two Monday Mysteries.
1. UUUUUGGGGHHH I forgot. /).(\
2. I'm thinking of being an author for a story blog for AJHQ. I plan to be a writer someday. As I already have ideas for the AJ story blog, I figured that I could get them going. >:) I haven't alerted AJHQ of my idea. How do you guys like it?
P.S. AJHQ doesn't have a story blog. Its just part of an idea. CHEEEESE
1. UUUUUGGGGHHH I forgot. /).(\
2. I'm thinking of being an author for a story blog for AJHQ. I plan to be a writer someday. As I already have ideas for the AJ story blog, I figured that I could get them going. >:) I haven't alerted AJHQ of my idea. How do you guys like it?
P.S. AJHQ doesn't have a story blog. Its just part of an idea. CHEEEESE
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Sea Turtle Submarine and some News
Hello, everyone! The new item today is the Sea Turtle Submarine! Pretty cute and more "colorful" than any of the other submarines. Wait, was it Submersibles? I dunno. Oh, and about the news...Click to make larger.
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Food Crisis Alert It seems that America is at its worst food thingy this century. ARE YOU PREPARED!?!?!? |
Saturday, September 15, 2012
New video
What's happening, Jammers? As all of you don't know, I made a YouTube account a month ago. And now I can finally log in! YES! Anyway, I made my first video, which is also a music video. It took an hour to process to YouTube, and it still is now. So I can't watch it yet. But..... CHEESE
P.S. The background is my house, but since it is only a small part of it I think I am safe... FOR NOW. DUN DUN DUN...
P.P.S. The fat stuffed animal is a fat dolphin. Don't blame it for its fatness because it is a beanbag/stuffed animal. CHEESE
P.S. The background is my house, but since it is only a small part of it I think I am safe... FOR NOW. DUN DUN DUN...
Firefly Necklace
Hey, Jammers! I'm in a much better mood than yesterday. :) Anyway, in Epic Wonders the Firefly Necklace sells at the Clothing Orb. Whatever. :P It's basically a string around ur neck with a jar of fireflies. Remember how the Construction Hat was animated? Wonder if this one is, too. :P I luc fireflies. :) Oh, also, I made a plushie blog. Sadly, I can only put up pictures with the Blogger app, but the pictures are just crazy. The pictures are all disorganized and in different orders. And I spent so much time on it. Oh, we'll. I guess you guys will just have to figure it out yourselves. It's every Friday, so don't complain.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Hello. I'm in a bad mood today. 3 reasons.
1. At school, my friends ditch me. (as usual)
2. I have homework on Friday.
3. Oh, the HEEAAATTT!!!!!!
1. At school, my friends ditch me. (as usual)
2. I have homework on Friday.
3. Oh, the HEEAAATTT!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Yesterday's item and today's item(LATE AGAIN AS USUAL)
What's up, Jammers? Sorry I missed yesterday's item, the Large Planter, but anyways, today's daily item is the Construction Hat. Very human... But why would AJHQ give us a human item after the Jamaasian Movement? I think it's there for a purpose. A clue that AJHQ is giving us something new this update. Well, of course there's Shamans/Alphas, but construction hats are used for building, well, building. What if there was a new shop/"place to see and talk with shamans/alphas", or even better, a new land? If so, what will the land/shop be called? LOLZ, I think I'll be doing daily mysteries. XD Oh, the reason I didn't post yesterday is because I have a limited time using the Internet, and my homework takes an awfully long time to finish.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Rare Sailor Hat
Hey, Jammers! The new item today is an orange Rare Sailor Hat! And new codes are "MONKEYSRULE" for 100 gems and "Discovery" for 1,000. I wonder... You guys know the extreme heat going on? It might not apply to all places, but near the equator, near where I live, it is really hot. I suspect it is global warming, but what makes it rise so quickly than before? I think I'll do more Monday Mysteries from now on. ^.^
P.S. I live in Southern California, if you wanted to know. :) I think a whole lotta ppl will be answering the Monday Mysteries and telling where they live. >:) I know what people want to do. :P
P.S. I live in Southern California, if you wanted to know. :) I think a whole lotta ppl will be answering the Monday Mysteries and telling where they live. >:) I know what people want to do. :P
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Graham Fountain and Naked Nerd (hehe)
What's up, people? The new item today is the Graham Fountain. Similar to the Zios Fountain, but this time little holes shoot out water. Perfect for splashing salt water in ur friends' faces. BWAHAHAHHABAHAH! Anyway, hers a little pic from my game called Jetpack Joyride. See if you can spot something weird!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Contest... On my friend's blog!
What's up, Jammers? I'm here with nobody and nobody to share the news about my friend Jumping Scarymonkey's blog! (Tip: HIS SECRET NAME IS SUPERJAKE02! DON'T TELL HIM WHO TOLD YOU! P.S. Has anyone ever read Kane Chronicles? That would explain the secret name business. :P MWAHAHAHAHHA) AHHH MANIAC DRAGONFRUIT SITTING NEAR THE BUDDHA'S THRONE ! AHHHHH!!!!! And yes, I am Asian. A quarter Vietnamese, a quarter Chinese, and all CHEESE!!! Yes, cheese is a language for all of you who don't know. Want to hear it? Sorry, it's not on the translator. But I can speak it for you! ubifisoabfisdfcudgfouisdfhoisacbdbxgjcasohfdhsdohbahosvbihrbe! That was Cheese for CHEESE! Yes, it is true. I am the only one left who knows the Cheese language. I might post the story of cheese tomorrow. Oh yes, I am getting off-track. But nobody can be off-track by speaking the Cheese language! Which reminds me... IM SPEAKING CHEESE RIGHT NOW U R A CHEESIAN, A PERSON WHO IS NATIVE TO THE LAND OF CHEESE!!!!! Click here to visit Jumping Scarymonkey's not so cheesy contest. ^.^ Oh, and put some Limburger in his blog. >:3 I'm sure he doesn't mind a "fresh" smell. If you don't know what Limburger is,(UR NOT A CHEESIAN) search it up on Google Cheese. A slight improvement to Google Chrome, except cheesier!
Heyo! And Round Glasses
Heyo guys! I'm bak! :D There was -ahem- an increase on comments. ^.^ So i guess I'm bak. In JamMart Furniture, the daily item is the Round Glasses! That doesn't sound right. :l They should really improve English. Anyone ever read Frindle?
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Short Break
What's up, guys? Since barely anyone seems to be commenting and our views aren't shooting up like before, I decided to take a little break. Now, you would be thinking, How long? Well, depends. If at least 2-3 comments show up on his post, I'll chill for a day. If 0-1 comments show up, a week. Btw, I bet the lot of u guys visit Snowyclaw's blog, so no need for me. ^.^ PLEASE COMMENT
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tall Cactus and News Crew winner
Hey, Jammers! I say that a lot so.... WHAT UP?! :P anyways new item is the Tall Cactus in Treetop Gardens... Been waiting for that. >:3 However, isn't it strange that yesterday, AJHQ put ur the PhanromThrone? It's only a month before Hallow's Eve(as most of you including me call it, Halloween! Or Phantom's Day. Or something.) and all the exciting stuff will come out? Who can't wait for Halloween?! Oh, and congrats for winning the News Crew, Miss Jellybelly! Lolz, u have an awesome name, if ur reading. This, Jellybelly!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Phantom Throne
Hey, Jammers?, sorry, I had homework and... Yeah... Whatever, new item today is the Phantom Throne! Plus, I'm thinking about making a special series about the shamans/alphas and ask AJHQ if I can do this. ^.^ What do you guys think? I don't think AJHQ will approve though. :l But still, what do you guys think?
Monday, September 3, 2012
Rare King's Crown
Hey, Jammers! New item today is the Rarw King's Crown. Rarw. Rarw. Rwar. ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! Lolz. :P Rarw was just a typo, I prefer not to correct it since ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!! Lolz.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
New gadget: Chat!
The title says it all. Click "Chat" above. :D
Sorry for all the late items, I keep forgetting. -.- And I was worried my dad will come home from Walmart... So just ignore me and all the late items. MONKEY BANANA THRONE
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Back to school Backpack
Hey, Jammers! New item is the back to school backpack and S my dad is next door he will probably notice me so bye!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Contest winner
The contest winner is posted on the "Contests" page! Congratulations winner, you are the first ever winner of the first ever Dragonscale contest!
Party starts now at my den! And plus I forget it's server Nile and I have to log in and out. :l Anyways, PARTYYYY
Hey, Jammers! New item today is the Jungle Gym in the monkies only party! And.. Today I can finally go on AJ! WOOOT Bad news is that theres a fly buzzing around my head. I hate flies. -.- Oh, and party starts in anh our at my den, server Nile! And plus contests end tmorrow! I made it quite easy since thete's not a lot of things to talk about. :/
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Random Post
Ahem, well hey Jammers! Remember the new Animal Jam introduction video? Well, I paused it when my favorite show Wipeout came on, so I paused the video and this funny thing showed up. ^.^
NINJA BUNNY... With long, lean legs... Lean legs r good for u! :P
NINJA BUNNY... With long, lean legs... Lean legs r good for u! :P
Don't forget the part tomorrow! Click the "Parties" page to check out the schedule. ^.^
Hey, Jammers! I'll give you guys a short summary of the update (oh, and I forgot to post because it was already like 4:30 before I had to do homework. :| Tough days during school, eh? It's taking me waaaaaay longer to finish my homework. -.- Anyways, we've donated 10 million gems to help save monkeys, and now they came back! Here's also a monkies only party which apparently had a lot of "fooling around". :P I haven't been to it yet, of course... And more monkey news, if you become a member in September(hey, that rhymes :P), you will get your own pet monkey. Not bad, considering that you get these once a month. And they won't appear ever again. There's also some new monkey videos in Brady Barr's Lab. Cuz of the vast number of vids, it will probably drive you ape! Meep. ^.^ Also, Treetop Gardens is a new shop available in Sarepia Forest! Good news, since it's practically the exact same stuff as Coral Corner. ^.^ The Summer Carnival is coming to an end, and as a bonus, you can now buy tickets with gems! I luv the idea, cuz I have 20,000 gems. ^.^ (I spent 20,000 on trees... And stuff. :P check out my den, most of the time it's unlocked.) The monthy costume corner had beefed changed to the Mythical Giraffe! Kinda girly, not my style, so shouldn't they do a boy giraffe? :P AJHQ is STILL sorting through the den ideas.... If it doesn't come in 2 weeks, I'm going to scream.
Jammer Central's picture is a pair of two cute little pet monkeys. ^.^ And the Double Gems game is Long Shot. FLYING ARMADILLO!!!!!!
Jammer Central's picture is a pair of two cute little pet monkeys. ^.^ And the Double Gems game is Long Shot. FLYING ARMADILLO!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Hey, Jammers and welcome to a random post. MangoShapedSpace helped me find a Blogger app, and I could actually see the picture on her blog. So I was wondering if you guys could see this pictures:
Mushroom Chair and Updated Party times
Hey, Jammers! Sorry this was a little late, and of course, SCHOOL is the answer. Anyways, I bet a mushroom fad is coming out :P cuz the new item is the Mushroom Chair! What are they going to make next, a mushroom bed? Anyways, here are the updated times:
Where: chu714's den, and maybe all around Jamaa
When: Friday 4:30 p.m. Pacific Western USA time (Hint: use the blog clock to figure out what time it is for you!)
Host: chu714
Theme: Party clothes, and maybe dress like a dragon. :P
Server: Nile. Backup server is Kama.
Notes: You CAN buddy me.
So that's the party plans. ^.^ If you haven't done so, go to the "Contests" page above and enter the contest! It will be so easy. :P I will add a "Parties" page to keep track of parties. Anyway, so long, Jammers!
Where: chu714's den, and maybe all around Jamaa
When: Friday 4:30 p.m. Pacific Western USA time (Hint: use the blog clock to figure out what time it is for you!)
Host: chu714
Theme: Party clothes, and maybe dress like a dragon. :P
Server: Nile. Backup server is Kama.
Notes: You CAN buddy me.
So that's the party plans. ^.^ If you haven't done so, go to the "Contests" page above and enter the contest! It will be so easy. :P I will add a "Parties" page to keep track of parties. Anyway, so long, Jammers!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The contest is released! Click "Contests" above to go to the contest blog. ^.^ Party info below.
Hey, Jammers! Look at the view meter... ONE THOUSAND VIEWS! HOLY COWS OF MINECRAFT, WE DID IT!!! Here is the party schedule:
Where: chu714's den and maybe all around Jamaa (chu714's den first)
When: Friday, August 30 4:30 p.m. Western USA time, Pacific (Hint: Use the blog clock to figure out what time it is for you!)
Host: chu714
Theme: Dress up as your party uniform! If you do not have a party uniform dress up like popcorn/cheese.
Notes: You CAN buddy me, if you have not done so already.
Ok, so I guess those are the party plans. The contest will be coming soon. If you want to see the contest blog early (it's actually quite boring right now), then I guess you can by clicking "LOOKIE HERE! CLICK MEEEEE!!!!" Prize is a spot in Animal Jam Dragonscale as an author for a week. Enjoy the contest!
Note: If you do not have a Blogger account, go to Blogger by clicking Blogger. If you can not or refuse to make a Blogger account, your contest prizes will simply be a free nonmember user. However, not only Blogger-less people can win this account. Winners of contests can choose between each.
Where: chu714's den and maybe all around Jamaa (chu714's den first)
When: Friday, August 30 4:30 p.m. Western USA time, Pacific (Hint: Use the blog clock to figure out what time it is for you!)
Host: chu714
Theme: Dress up as your party uniform! If you do not have a party uniform dress up like popcorn/cheese.
Notes: You CAN buddy me, if you have not done so already.
Ok, so I guess those are the party plans. The contest will be coming soon. If you want to see the contest blog early (it's actually quite boring right now), then I guess you can by clicking "LOOKIE HERE! CLICK MEEEEE!!!!" Prize is a spot in Animal Jam Dragonscale as an author for a week. Enjoy the contest!
Note: If you do not have a Blogger account, go to Blogger by clicking Blogger. If you can not or refuse to make a Blogger account, your contest prizes will simply be a free nonmember user. However, not only Blogger-less people can win this account. Winners of contests can choose between each.
Three words. Look. Above. Me. And. Eat. Popcorn. While. Pushing. Your. Annoying. Brother. /. Sister. Out. The. Window. (Formally "Look Above Me")
Mushroom Table
Hey, Jammers!new mushroom table, now I have to go to school! Bye Jammers! Lolz
Monday, August 27, 2012
So Full Of Happiness That I Can Eat All The Popcorn In The World
Hey, Jammers! If you look on the top right of this blog, you will see a meter. And under that meter are the number of views. And on that number of views thingy you will see the number 925. Or something near that. We only have 10 days left. I believe that we will definitely get the party started. And I am working on the contest. And the prize will be... A tree! Just kidding! Since every contest marks something special happening to Animal Jam Dragonscale, every person who wins the contest gets a special prize. The prize will be the same. But the prize will not be the same, as we will have loads of... Never mind. On with the prize. Anyway, the prize is a special spot as an author in Animal Jam Dragonscale for a week. You must have a Blogger account. If you do not, make one by going to Blogger. You must also give me your email so I can give you the email asking you to join. Well I haven't worked on the questions for the contest yet. :P I'll work on that once we get 1,000 views. Also, I will work on the party news probably a week before it starts. I'm not sure. Anyways, Happy Jamming!
Hey, Jammers! It turns out that I can't play games on the iPad, but I can't use my laptop. So I can post by looking at Snowyclaw's blog for the new item. Now don't think I'm cheating, it's just that I can't go on AJ. Anyways, YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAYYYAYYYYYAA oh yeah, the rare item is a nonmember Rare blue Lei luv it can anyone buy one for me? O3O
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Bad News
Hey, Jammers. U know, blah blah blah. MEEP. Anyways, my dad is very strict this time of year, which is school. A couple of months ago, he put this program on my laptop that limits my time to just 2 hours. Well, now he says that school starts, he says that I can only go on my laptop/IPad on Friday. And only like, 30 minutes. Dumb, right? Well he says that when(my dad doesnt want to hear us not graduating)my brother and I graduate, we can do whatever we want and for as long as we like. Now, that's going to take an awful long time. And I can't even go on the weekends. :| Anyways, don't expect me to post without getting punished.
Mine Shaft Door
Hey, Jammers! As u know school is already here (as if none of you knew) so Mango can't post here because it's hard to work on two blogs with school and homework. So I will be posting on this blog alone, but Mango will still be commenting and doing stuff like that. Anyway, the Mine Shaft Door sells in Jam Mart Furniture.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Hey, Jammers! We now have 830 views! Pretty awesome, huh? All we need to do for a party is get a 170 views by September 9th, 15 days, which I think we can do with all the people who visit this blog(not much). Tell all your friends about the party Animal Jam Dragonscale is going to have if we reach 1,000 views by September 9th! Oh mango, feel free to edit all you want. >:3
Omg guys, I completely forgot. /).(\ Oh well... Today's (late) new item is the Monocle! Kinda old style, like one of those eyeglasses that kept falling off the jan in Cinderella.... Don't think I like that. I'm 9. I like rainbows though... RRRRAAAAIIIINNNNBBBBOOOOWWWW!!!!
I'm now an author!
Hey jammers! Chu714 sent me a request to become an author so I accepted! So now here I am...and I'm I guess Hai! :3
Mwahahahhaha! It is I, the evil chu714!!!! I have disconnected the wire from the Radio Station! Mwahahahhahahaha-- *DJ disk spins* Nvm lol, I'm not evil. I will change every post so it has a signature at the end so u guys can recognize which posts we made. :3 So mine is -chu714. See? Perfect rainbow! And I'm guessing us mango, is .... Ahem, you decide. :3 Anyways, i won't be adding signatures to former posts cuz its just too much work. >.< Anyways, bye, Jammers!
Mwahahahhaha! It is I, the evil chu714!!!! I have disconnected the wire from the Radio Station! Mwahahahhahahaha-- *DJ disk spins* Nvm lol, I'm not evil. I will change every post so it has a signature at the end so u guys can recognize which posts we made. :3 So mine is -chu714. See? Perfect rainbow! And I'm guessing us mango, is .... Ahem, you decide. :3 Anyways, i won't be adding signatures to former posts cuz its just too much work. >.< Anyways, bye, Jammers!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Fox Tail Chair
Hey, Jammers! Sorry this post was late AGAIN but I have school. /).(\ There's a new Fox Tail Chair! Ok, that's it. Bye, Jammers! Lolz :P
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Hey, Jammers! Sorry this pot was so late, I had school and I woke up a little late. >.< Anyway, there's a new seriously epic Epic Wondere item, the Crossbow! Hunger Games fans anyone?
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Hey, Jammers! As you know, we have 700 views! We just need 17 or 18 days to be able to do the party! But be happy that we can have a contest for SURE. Tell your friends about this blog to get the party started! WOOT WOOT!
Wooden Toy Box
Hey, Jammers! Starting today I have to go to school every weekday. I will post if i find some time. The new item is the Wooden Toy Box, and it's nonmember! Meanwhile Snowyclaw has 700,000 views, and is thinking of the time the party will be held. Bye, Jammers!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Hey, Jammers! I added a new item to my blog. Look way down below. It's the Slideshow! I just type a keyword, and it shows a bunch of pictures relating to it. So what should the topic be? 1)Animals. 2) Animal Jam Shamans. 3) Nature. 4) Food. I'm voting for Animal Jam Shamans, but what do you think? P.S. Note that whatever keyword I type in, some images might be inappropriate.
Tree Stump Sink
Hey, Jammers! In Jam Mart Furniture a classy item that fits perfectly(not so perfectly...) with your Enchanted Hollow den, the Tree Stump Sink! And guess who won the News Crew? The one and only Snowyclaw! Or as said by my friend, katara811. Anyway, Bye Jammers!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Rare Seaweed Hair
Hey, Jammers! This post is quite early because my brother has to go to his school to.. Er... Look at something. I have to do this quick. So in Bahari Bargains there's a purple version of the Seaweed Hair, otherwise known as the Rare Seaweed Hair. Also, I might not be able to do the Monday Stories because after my brother checks out his school, I have to find out which teacher I have. ^.^ Anyways, Bye Jammers!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Rainbow Scales
Hey, Jjjjjjjaaaaammmmeeeerrrssss!!!!! Tttttttooooodddddaaaayyyy iiinnn Bbbaaahhhhaaarrriiii Bbbbaaaarrrrggggaaaaiiinnnsss, ttthhheeerrreee'''ssss aaaa nnnneeewwww iiitttteeemmm,,,, ttthhhheeee Rrraaaiiinnnbbbooowww Sssssccccaaaalllleeeesss!!!!!! Sorry if you can read that, I just wanted to be random. BANANANANANA!!!! Ok, I luv being random. -covers face in laughter- /)3(\
Anyway, in short, it says: Hey, Jammers! Today in Bahari Bargains, there's a new item, the Rainbow Scales! Ok, seriously, that's all I said in the text up there. :P
Anyway, in short, it says: Hey, Jammers! Today in Bahari Bargains, there's a new item, the Rainbow Scales! Ok, seriously, that's all I said in the text up there. :P
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Diamond Necklace and Wind Rider
Hey, Jammers! In Epic Wonders, a shiny 2000000000000000000 karat Diamond Necklace sells for 3,250 gems!(I don't know why I use the same catchphrase every time... Anyone got any ideas?) And the bi-weekly (if that's a word /).X <---face palm) Double Gems game is Wind Rider! Also, remember, I'm going to school next week starting Wednesday, and my mom is taking my iPad for the weekdays, so I won't be able to post until 8:00 p.m. But not the weekends, because I get the iPad back. So long, Jammers!
P.S. I decided not to put any pictures because none of you guys could see them. :(
Friday, August 17, 2012
Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures
Hey, Jammers! Yet another new post... :P Anyway, ever since I knew how to put up photos on my blog on my iPad, I wanted to know if you guys could see them. I mean, when I look at a post again and again and again, the pictures disappear and I can't see them. Could you guys see them? Take this picture as an example:
Tree Stump Table and Surprise
Hey, Jammers! I know I forgot to put up the surprise in the Jamaa Journal, but I guess most of you have seen it already. SHAMANS ARE COMING BACK! Anyway, in Jam Mart Furniture a hard-looking Tree Stump Table sells for 300 gems! Oh, and some news... Ill be going back to school next Wenesday. And since my real brother, (not you, mrspider :3) spends ALL DAY on the computer, my mom made a fuss about it and takes his tablet and my iPad for the weekdays. And I post on my iPad. The only time I will be able to post are the weekends and 8:00 p.m. on the weekdays, except for Friday. I can post right after school. Anyway, Happy Jamming! (I know, I stole the punch line from Snowy :P)
Thursday, August 16, 2012
New Update
Hey, Jammers! The new update today is SOOO full of stuff and stuff that I can't even fit the pictures in! Ok, first up is the Tree Stump Table in Jam Mart Furniture selling for 500 gems. The Den Contest winner doesn't seem to be announced yet, but some really good ideas are in Jammer Central. I hope mine is in there! :D Anyway, there IS a new den. The Enchanted Hollow! Kinda reminds me of Pixie Hollow in Tinker Bell.... :| Oh well... It's underground! Wonder if we will have any underground, burrowing animals? A badger maybe? Plus, turtles can be now underwater! I so hoped for that. :) In the Summer Carnival..... Not a new clothing item... Not a new plushie... But a new game, Carnival Darts! You have to hit the balloon with darts, and squash these phantoms too! And plus, there are new tools in the Settings Menu, the one with the gear at the top of the screen. You can tell which server you are in and change your cursor to caveman-rocky or the original cursor! Now here's an exciting thing... Jammers have donated 90 million gems for the monkeys! Keep on donating, PPLZ! The giraffe statue is finally named! Edmund. Not a very Jamaasian-ey name, but still, it's named! But that's not the most exciting part.... It's too exciting for me to post on this blog... But if you check back often... You will find out what it is...
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Ruin Wall
Hey, Jammers! As expected, another Ruin item is in the stores! The Ruin Wall. :) Snowy seems kind of depressed because it might lead to the Temple Ruins, which might mean the betrayal of AJHQ against the Jamaasian Movement because they made it half-human and half-culture.Well, I personally think its awesome. What do you guys think?
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Hey, Jammers! We are about halfway to our goal, and a half a month didn't even go by yet! At this rate, we could have a contest and a party! So tell your friends about Animal Jam Dragonscale!
Ruins Path
Ruins Path |
Monday, August 13, 2012
Rare Homemade Wings
Hey, Jammers! Today's rare is the Rare Homemade Wings! Sweet, but I guess we will have to wait until they put out an actual rare item. Anyway, I think Snowclaw is fine, but she didn't reply to my comment on her blog. Click here to see the featured story!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Stegosaurus Tail and Jamaa Mysteries
Hey, Jammers!
In the Summer Carnival, (which is going to be closing soon due to the change of seasons, so get your prizes soon!) there's a pawtastic new Stegosaurus Tail! Which you can see from the title. :3
And AJHQ has posted an interesting topic:
Well, bye, Jammers!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Turtle Shell House and Daily Explorer
In the Pets Only Party, there's a Turtle Shell House! And plus, there's a whole load of posts on the Daily Explorer!
Click here to read them all! Bye Jammers!
Click here to read them all! Bye Jammers!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Hanging Vines and Crystal Table
In Jam Mart Furniture there is the Hanging Vines and in Epic Wonders there is the literally Crystal-clear Crystal table! I personally like the Hanging Vines best cuz they make a good doorway. :3 Anyway don't forget to read the post below!

Thursday, August 9, 2012
Our Goal
You know guys, my former blog has way more views than this. And I bet people still view that blog rather than this one. So I say we give all we got. Once we reach 1,000 views, we'll have a contest, maybe even a party if we reach the goal within a month. So what are you standing there for? Tell your friends!
Sunflower Lamp
Again in Jam Mart Furniture, there is a new Sunflower lamp. Sadly member. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY-NOT! It reminds me of popcorn...
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Crystal Couch and News Crew Winner!!!
Hey, Jammers! In Epic Wonders, there's a crystal-clear Crystal couch! Say that 10 times fast. :P And plus on Animal Jam's epic blog, Eternal Fieryclaw is a proud winner of the Summer Carnival challenge of the News Crew! Visit her blog way down below, Animal Jam Stripe. :3 Btw, comment if you want your blog on here. Anyone mentioning their blog and URL will get their blog on the blog list. :) Bye, Crystal-Crazee Jammers! (MAYBE crystal-crazy)
Hi, Jammers! I transferred my old blog to this blog, for more stuff. :3 If you want to see it, click here! Feel free to browse around! On both blogs. :3 I'll be updating the blog daily, unless I'm not able to. Like when I'm on vacation. And plus, I'll be talking about every new future update on Dragonvale too. In summary, I LUV POPCORN!
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