Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rainbow Scales

Hey, Jjjjjjjaaaaammmmeeeerrrssss!!!!! Tttttttooooodddddaaaayyyy iiinnn Bbbaaahhhhaaarrriiii Bbbbaaaarrrrggggaaaaiiinnnsss, ttthhheeerrreee'''ssss aaaa nnnneeewwww iiitttteeemmm,,,, ttthhhheeee Rrraaaiiinnnbbbooowww Sssssccccaaaalllleeeesss!!!!!! Sorry if you can read that, I just wanted to be random. BANANANANANA!!!! Ok, I luv being random. -covers face in laughter- /)3(\
Anyway, in short, it says: Hey, Jammers! Today in Bahari Bargains, there's a new item, the Rainbow Scales! Ok, seriously, that's all I said in the text up there. :P

1 comment:

  1. me like rainbow scales rainbow scales remind me of skittles :3
    P.S. ich leibe speck lol


This is a monster ninja angel bunny!
It still looks like the regular bunny, though. :l
Follow these rules:
-Be nice.
-Help others.
-Don't be an impostor.
-Give popcorn to me.
-Have fun!
If you don't follow these rules the monster ninja angel bunny won't give any popcorn to you!