Daily Funnies of the Day

Hello, and welcome to the Daily Funnies of the Day! Here I'll put random comedies tht my friends and I have talked during the day. Here's one about my friend Serena and Im us talking on the phone:
Serena: I'm listening to a song of K-pop's.
K-pop is a Korean band. Korean pop music.
Me: It sounds Latin.
(I know, not so funny. Here, I'll put one from yesterday)
My friend Dalia speaks to my friend Audrey who has seaweed: You, you have poisoned sheets.
Dalia to my friend Mayleen who has Capri-Sun: You, you have oil.
Dalia to me and I have Sour cream and onion chips and Goldfish crackers: you, you have onion bombs and... Little bombs.


This is a monster ninja angel bunny!
It still looks like the regular bunny, though. :l
Follow these rules:
-Be nice.
-Help others.
-Don't be an impostor.
-Give popcorn to me.
-Have fun!
If you don't follow these rules the monster ninja angel bunny won't give any popcorn to you!