Saturday, January 5, 2013

Back to posting!!!

Yeah I'm posting again... It's almost back to school for some people, including me. Only one more week, and it IS school for the high schoolers... I guess... Christmas is over, and there's New Year... 4 das ago.. Yeah, and there is a new blog mascot on the left. Guess what's its going to hatch into. :P it's kinda obvious, and if ur wondering where I got the egg from, check out DragCave! O.O um it's really obvious now what it's gonna hatch into.. I'm not even sure myself :P well, what color?

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This is a monster ninja angel bunny!
It still looks like the regular bunny, though. :l
Follow these rules:
-Be nice.
-Help others.
-Don't be an impostor.
-Give popcorn to me.
-Have fun!
If you don't follow these rules the monster ninja angel bunny won't give any popcorn to you!