Saturday, December 15, 2012

Just read this post...

Helloooo! U guys still remember my AJ username, chu714? Kk good, since I haven't mentioned that in a long time. And u guys also remember Jumping ScaryMonkey? Yes, that's good too. I recall that he said once his account got deleted because he wasn't on for a month. I tried logging in Animal Jam (P.S. have u guys seen the new Animal Jam home screen?) and it said something like "account does not exist". Yeah..... Dats why I haven't been able to go to Mangoshapedspace's party today. So, uh, just saying, if it's available I'm going to make a new account... Starting everything over again... With no items... (not even the one mrspider gave meh D: [hes my AJ adopted brother, get adopted at the Pillow Room... Is it still there?]) I can't stand it D: Ok, so if it's not taken I might make the account Cheesypopcor or chu714indahouse or whatever, same password and everything. Well, maybe a different password (and if u guys r wondering why I'm saying this, it's for the hackers that can somehow get into people's accounts =.=) Or worse, I might not make an account at all, since I rarely ever play AJ. That is a 1/11000000000000000000000°00000000000000000000000000 possibility, since I always try to attend events that my fellow bloggers and friends hold. So, I'll tell u the rest of the information in a future post! (username, NOT password, lol, )
P.S. have u noticed the snow I added to the blog?


  1. I searched you up and you exist!!!!!!!

  2. I gotta try to get my account back. I mean, Jumping Scary Monkey still has his account. O.O

  3. You exist! You could've typed your password wrong.

  4. Omg my blog changed. O.O on the iPad it looks... Different. :O

  5. Actually, I was close to losing it...yeah, want to know something? Shortly after, when I was in Florida for I think saying a bad word. :3 I typoed. Didn't actually mean to say it, mean to say fight but I tyoed and instantly got banned. I'm being careful what i do, :33333


This is a monster ninja angel bunny!
It still looks like the regular bunny, though. :l
Follow these rules:
-Be nice.
-Help others.
-Don't be an impostor.
-Give popcorn to me.
-Have fun!
If you don't follow these rules the monster ninja angel bunny won't give any popcorn to you!